Free Google Home Mini Spotify Family

Spotify is now offering existing and new users a free Google Home Mini through November 15 or until supplies last. The deal is offering the previous Goggle Home Mini generation and not the newly. You can get a free Google Home Mini if you subscribe to a Spotify Family plan. By Olivia Tambini 18 March 2019. Good things, small packages. A Spotify Family Plan costs £14.99 per month,. We’re bringing back our Google Home Mini offer—and making it available to even more users. Let’s repeat that and take it in: eligible Premium Individual and Premium Family master account users in the U.S—both new and existing—can get a Google Home Mini while supplies last. Starting today, October 22.

Free google mini with spotify

I was raised in a very musical household. Growing up, my mom and dad would blast their favorite tunes on the family stereo while my sister and I danced around the living room until it was time to go to bed. Sure, we all got older — but we still play our favorite songs on the reg. Instead of using CDs, though, we use Spotify. Thankfully, the music streaming company is making it even easier for families to jam out together. Why? Because the Spotify Premium for Family plan update will land you and your loved ones a free Google Home Mini. So instead of connecting your phone to a nearby stereo system, you can play tunes with the help of Google.

If you're anything like me, you're constantly trying to figure out how to connect the bluetooth on your phone to the closest speaker. Either that, or you're trying to figure out which chord connects your laptop to the nearby sound system. Thanks to Spotify and Google Home's partnership, you won't have to stress about ways to play music for your family. Instead, you'll be able to use your complimentary Google Home Mini to play the tunes you love in the comfort of your own house.

So, how do you get a free Google Home Mini from Spotify? The process is quite simple. According to a Spotify press release, all you have to do is sign up for Spotify Premium for Family — and you can do so by clicking here. The plan will let you and up to six family members use Spotify for only $14.99 per month, which is a pretty great deal if you divvy the price up. Beginning on Nov. 1, Spotify Premium for Family master account holders who sign up will receive a free Google Home Mini. The freebies are only available for a limited time, so register while you can.

Once your family receives and configures your Google Home Mini, you can start listening to music. Thanks to Voice Match, the device will be able to recognize up to six voices (that's a lot!). That means everyone in the family can take turns playing their favorite songs. All they'll have to do is say things like, 'Hey Google, play Spotify' or “Hey Google, resume Spotify.'

Alex Norström, Chief Premium Business Officer of Spotify, talked about the Google Home Mini offer in a press release. He said,

We’re excited to be partnering with Google Home to bring the magic of voice to our Spotify Premium Family subscribers. After all, what’s more fun than sharing the music you love with the people you love. For Family Plan subscribers, enjoying those moments will only get better. Now anytime their favorite artists comes up, they can simply say ‘Hey Google, turn it up!'

As you can see, the Google Home Mini will make it a lot easier to play music with your loved ones. If your family is already signed up with Spotify's plan, you can also land a free Google Home Mini. According to a press release, existing Premium for Family users can still sign up for a complimentary Google Home Mini. All they have to do is click here.

As I previously mentioned, this offer will only last for a limited time. Spotify Premium for Family users can sign up for their Google Home Mini until Dec. 31, 2018 — and they must be living in the United States. There's no time to waste: Start organizing your favorite playlists and get ready to show 'em to the family.

*Updated April 24, 2019: New and existing Premium for Family plan master account holders in Australia can now sign up for a Google Home Mini at starting on 04/24. Note, this is a limited offer, only available for Australian Spotify Premium for Family users till May 14, 2019—so don’t wait.

Free google home mini spotify family plans

*Updated March 18, 2019: New and existing Premium for Family plan master account holders in Great Britain and France can now sign up for a Google Home Mini at starting on 03/18. Note, this is a limited offer, only available for Great Britain and France Spotify Premium for Family users till May 14, 2019—so don’t wait.

With the Spotify Premium for Family plan, families have unlimited access to the songs, playlists, and artists they love—and love to enjoy together. Starting tomorrow, we are teaming up with Google Home to give Spotify Premium for Family master account owners in the U.S. a Google Home Mini as part of their subscription. Now, music lovers across generations will be able to share their favorite music with the entire family, simply by asking their Google Home Mini powered by the Google Assistant.

Spotify Premium for Family subscribers already enjoy personalized Spotify accounts for up to six family members at only $14.99 per month. With Spotify Premium and Google Home partnering together to invest in voice, streaming your favorite songs and playlists has never been so easy. Once configured, Voice Match on Google Home can identify up to six people, meaning each person can enjoy a personalized experience. And it’s just the beginning.

“We’re excited to be partnering with Google Home to bring the magic of voice to our Spotify Premium Family subscribers. After all, what’s more fun than sharing the music you love with the people you love,” says Alex Norström, Chief Premium Business Officer. “For Family Plan subscribers, enjoying those moments will only get better. Now anytime their favorite artists comes up, they can simply say ‘Hey Google, turn it up!’

The Google Home Mini will be available for a limited time to Premium for Family plan master account holders in the U.S. at starting on 11/1*. We’ve even streamlined the set-up to get you started and playing Spotify sooner.

To start listening, just say:
“Hey Google, play Spotify”
“Hey Google, resume Spotify”
“Hey Google, shuffle some music”
“Hey Google, play my Discover Weekly”
“Hey Google, play Dinner Party music”
“Hey Google, play Study music”
“Hey Google, play Hip Hop music”
“Hey Google, play my favorite music”
“Hey Google, play ‘Angel by Lionel Richie

Then, when you’re in the zone, go:
“Hey Google, pause.”
“Hey Google, turn it up.”
“Hey Google, please quiet down.”
“Hey Google, like this song.”
“Hey Google, dislike this song.”
“Hey Google, skip forward 20 seconds.”
“Hey Google, skip backward one minute.”

Free google home mini with spotify family

How To Get Free Google Home Mini With Spotify Family Canada

And when you’re ready to discover more, try:
“Hey Google, play the next song.”
“Hey Google, what’s playing?
“Hey Google, who is this singer?”
“Hey Google, what’s this song?”
“Hey Google, what’s this album?”
Hey Google, when did this song come out?”

Spotify Family Free Google Home Mini Canada

* New and existing Premium for Family plan master account holders can sign up for a Google Home Mini at starting on 11/1. Note, this is a limited offer, only available for U.S. Spotify Premium for Family users till December 14, 2018—so don’t wait.